Live Demo: Mautic WooCommerce Integration

Mautic WooCommerce is an integration for the WooCommerce Stores to connect with Mautic. It is a complete marketing automation tool that not only syncs contacts in real-time for you, it also syncs your store’s historical data with Mautic. The opportunity to make sales on abandoned carts, creating targeted email campaigns, and segmenting customers based on RFM calculations is a major attraction of this integration.

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More splendid features

Make Sale on Abandoned Carts

Capture and sync lost cart information via checkout form for registered as well as guest users.

Historical Data Sync

Syncs your historical data over Mautic with “one-click sync

Add Tags on Order/User-based Activities

“User activity tag assignment” and “Order activity tag assignment” easily allows you to add tags to your customers and order activity status

Field-to-Field Sync

Map your existing WordPress user meta fields to the newly created mautic custom fields

Mautic Website Tracking

Track your user-data, order activities, and customer behavior on your WooCommerce store with Mautic Website Tracking

Create Targeted Campaigns

Create highly adaptive and converting campaigns targeting your segmented customers

Still Confused! How Our Mautic WooCommerce Integration Works?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the plugin can be connected with the account.

Yes, the One-Click sync feature of the plugin can be used to sync your old order details to Mautic.

Go to the Plugins panel in WordPress admin -> settings. You can add your tags in the field provided. You can also add predefined tags like the purchased product, SKU, categories, user roles with the pro version of the plugin.
Please refer to this doc (

Yes, the pro version has a dynamic coupons feature that will allow you to assign coupons to contacts in mautic.

The Field to Field Sync feature provides a mapping between the exciting WordPress user meta fields and Mautic contact custom fields.

Yes, we have added compatibility with the Mautic 3x version in our latest release.

Yes, the plugin creates 20 predefined segments in your Mautic account. You can check the list of custom fields that the plugin creates here (

Yes, the One-Click sync feature of the plugin can be used to sync your old customer details to Mautic.

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